Okay, Misdemeanors & Felonies has begun. For real. I am shaky as hell now that I am actually involved with the writing of this long awaited story. Although I have started putting down words which might even make it through all of the edits and revisions that will have to be done, I feel a nervousness about me that is hard to explain. I find myself questioning everything. Should it be third person rather than first person. I have decided this book is going to be hard enough to write without adding more problems, so I'm going with third person. I feel more comfortable writing in third person, especially novels, so third person it is. I have decided to let Martin Rayne Kirby (my doppelganger) do his thing and move the book forward, but every so often I plan on inserting something called A Note From The Author as I did in the beginning. When I do this I will use first person, because I want to be speaking directly to the reader, explaining what maybe Martin, in his third person persona, could not. The A Note From The Author will not be long, two or three pages at the most.
I have never written a book where I have people who are anxious to read it as I have now. My children, Patricia, for one, wants to read it she says and I believe that she does. Paula/Candance? I don't know about her, I feel she is upset with me at the moment. I told Marionette, her mother something about her situation that I knew she didn't want me to tell. I did it because I am very concerned about how her life has disintegrated to the extent that I fear for her life. She seems to not be able to take a sober enough breath in order to see what she is doing to herself and her husband, Mark. I am not a praying man, but desperate situations call for desperate measures, so I do send a prayer for her safety. When I wrote the "sober" word, I didn't mean she was an alcoholic, no, she is involved heavily with drugs, the prescription kind and the street kind.
That leaves Nick. He has chosen to not correspond with me. Patricia only tells me that he is "detatched." I'm not sure what she means by that. She also says he put himself through college and he is a genius with computers, et al. I did, at Patricia's request, send him a short email on his Myspace site, but he hasn't answered. By the time Misdemeanors & Felonies is written, hopefully he will want to read it, if only to settle his mind about any questions he might have about me. This book will not answer everything, I know that even before I get into it. Some might say that I am writing it in order to gain some sympathy from y children, but if I thought that possibility was even feasible, I wouldn't write another word. I am not looking for sympathy, I am looking for truth as I see it and lived it. I can only hope that will be enough.
Like I said, I am shaky. I am scared. I am terrified. I am also committed to Misdemeanors & Felonies becoming a book within the next year, maybe even as soon as March or April of next year. April would be good. April 2, my birthday . . . Later . . .
I have never written a book where I have people who are anxious to read it as I have now. My children, Patricia, for one, wants to read it she says and I believe that she does. Paula/Candance? I don't know about her, I feel she is upset with me at the moment. I told Marionette, her mother something about her situation that I knew she didn't want me to tell. I did it because I am very concerned about how her life has disintegrated to the extent that I fear for her life. She seems to not be able to take a sober enough breath in order to see what she is doing to herself and her husband, Mark. I am not a praying man, but desperate situations call for desperate measures, so I do send a prayer for her safety. When I wrote the "sober" word, I didn't mean she was an alcoholic, no, she is involved heavily with drugs, the prescription kind and the street kind.
That leaves Nick. He has chosen to not correspond with me. Patricia only tells me that he is "detatched." I'm not sure what she means by that. She also says he put himself through college and he is a genius with computers, et al. I did, at Patricia's request, send him a short email on his Myspace site, but he hasn't answered. By the time Misdemeanors & Felonies is written, hopefully he will want to read it, if only to settle his mind about any questions he might have about me. This book will not answer everything, I know that even before I get into it. Some might say that I am writing it in order to gain some sympathy from y children, but if I thought that possibility was even feasible, I wouldn't write another word. I am not looking for sympathy, I am looking for truth as I see it and lived it. I can only hope that will be enough.
Like I said, I am shaky. I am scared. I am terrified. I am also committed to Misdemeanors & Felonies becoming a book within the next year, maybe even as soon as March or April of next year. April would be good. April 2, my birthday . . . Later . . .
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