These scattered, hodgepodge sheets of paper these notes are transcribed on will be the death of me. The monster called research is horrible, but I must press on. A lot of the notes are still in the hand-written form, but most (thankfully) have been printed out as hard copy. If the notes are on paper, why then, are you going over them all again to put back on computer files" you might ask. Legitimate question. Because it will be much easier for me to find what I am looking for after I actually begin to write Misdemeanors & Felonies. In stead of having to turn page after page looking for things I can just scroll down the page and voila! there it is.
It is just dawning on me what a monumental task I have set for myself. As I have related before, I had decided at one point to make three novels out of it. The early years . . . The on-the-road years (which were many) . . . and the later years. But hell, who am I to think my life deserve three books? So, I will capitulate and just do one, and that will be plenty I believe. I'm not writing it for prestige or money or fame anyway, it is going to be for my three children to do with as they like.
I'm as ready for Misdemeanors & Felonies, however, as I ever will be . . . It is now or never . . . Short entry today, I'm not feeling that great and my attention span is affected . . . Until tomorrow . . .
It is just dawning on me what a monumental task I have set for myself. As I have related before, I had decided at one point to make three novels out of it. The early years . . . The on-the-road years (which were many) . . . and the later years. But hell, who am I to think my life deserve three books? So, I will capitulate and just do one, and that will be plenty I believe. I'm not writing it for prestige or money or fame anyway, it is going to be for my three children to do with as they like.
I'm as ready for Misdemeanors & Felonies, however, as I ever will be . . . It is now or never . . . Short entry today, I'm not feeling that great and my attention span is affected . . . Until tomorrow . . .
My novels:
My Mother's Revenge . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1132742
Margaret and David: A Love Story . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1072842
Write To Murder . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/956621
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