Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tanks on Main Street

Tanks on Main Street
by Jerry Pat Bolton

those who still had testicles
and some who searched
and found theirs
massed together
past squabbles forgotten
for the moment

liberal guy
right wing not shy

past sins of the other
forgiven for the greater good
a bigger threat lunges
menacing both
America is all but lost
diehard Islamist the killer

what did we do
I mean . . . who knew

creeping crud across our land
women haters one and all
at least those who do not wear veils
and those praying not to Allah
found a back door into America
it was called apathy

what can be done
they took our guns

it happened slowly
stealthily across the land
a smile
a nod
we’re not like the terrorists, they said
smiling benign smiles

they took us in
with lies and grins

while the ACLU was busy
kicking Christians in the teeth
no school prayer
no this and no that
but they built their mosque
they live under sharia

they came with hate
to sit and wait

we watched and nodded
smiled, said naught
as they infiltrated our schools
where Christ was not allowed
we were told to look the other way
they are peaceful, don’t you know

we gave to them
their every whim

and now they are standing by
ready to strike
no longer smiling
they’re beating their chests
with centuries’ old élan
sneering at The Great Satan

for their deceit
tanks on Main Street

©January 5, 2008 / Jerry Pat Bolton


Dayle James Arceneaux said...

There's a lot of truth there.

The hordes are gathering and the Romans don't believe they're a threat.

Jerry Pat Bolton said...

Absolutely . . . I fear for our country . . .