Cecil, a gruff old man who lived at Crystal Apartments and his girlfriend Casey invited me to Apple Valley for the weekend. I asked Nanette if she wanted to go, but she declined. Cecil was going through a rough divorce and he was afraid his wife was going to take his little place in Apple Valley. He homesteaded a few acres of land and built the a little shack on it so he could say he had made improvements. Cecil was pretty much a drunk, that was probably why his wife was divorcing him. He was also a pretty big executive for Richfield Oil, as was Casey. Nanette also worked for the giant oil firm, but she was stuck down in the basement. Casey was Cecil's girlfriend, but since he never took care of business, and since Casey was quite a bout younger than him, she had been using me for that part of her life. She really was dedicated to old Cecil, but . . .
When we got up there to the homestead everything went well f=the first day, it was the second day that all hell broke loose. I was pretty sure Cecil knew what was going on between Casey and myself, but we did not flaunt it. On the second day Casey and I both were ready, but hadn't had a chance to get together. Cecil nodded off in a hammock her had stretched between two trees and we though we could steal a few minutes.
Don't you know Cecil caught us. Whether or not he was faking sleep or just woke up I never knew, but he caught us nonetheless. He didn't say a word, but walked off into the desert for about a hour. Case went back to the picnic table in the back and I stayed in the shack faking sleep on the little bed. Cecil came in and took his twelve-gauge shotgun off the wall and just stared at me. I thought I was a dead man. But the turned and went to confront Casey out back. I have no idea what, if anything, he said to Casey because I never saw her again after that day. I expected to hear the shotgun going off and Casey would be dead, but it didn't happen. We drove back to Los Angeles and I bet there wasn't one word spoken between the three of us the whole time.
The time we spent away from each other kinda made Nanette and I to want to hurry things up insofar as our future plans . . . We will discuss those tomorrow . . .
My Novels:
Write To Murder . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/956621
Margaret and David: A Love Story . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1072842
My Mother's Revenge . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1132742
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