That something kept the cellblock stirred up to the point that there were fights almost every day. Some were hurt bad, most were not. I only had one fight, I was learning how to avoid them if possible . . . Sometimes it is not possible.
I laid up there in the hellhole for three months before the marshals came to take me to El Reno, only El Reno wasn't where they had in mind to take me. I was being sent clear across the country to California and a joint upstate near the Vandenberg AFB (Air Force, funny, huh?) called Lompoc.
There were me and two other prisoners in the car and they made a beeline for El Paso, Texas first. Ah, memories of Juarez came to mind, but of course I would never get across that border, although I actually did, at one point, start thinking about how I could get the hell away from them. I also began thinking about me walking away from the jail in Midland. That was technically an escape, was it not? I had a sinking feeling they would file charges on me and after I finished my time for the feds they'd try me in Texas for escaping and put me down in Huntsville. I didn't want that, but the possiblility was huge that it would happen.
After we left one of the prisoners in El Paso we hightailed it across New Mexico to Tuscon, Arizona where we dropped off the other prisoner. That left just me. When they finally got me to Los Angeles I was ready, riding in that damn car for three days was hard.
My Novels:
Write To Murder . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/956621
Margaret and David: A Love Story . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1072842
My Mother's Revenge . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1132742
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