Why did Nanette want to marry me? I was somebody who, until a few weeks before was nobody to her. I can't answer that question. I did sense a feeling of sorrow inside her. I don't know, maybe she was just anxious to find that little house on Main Street, U.S.A., with its white picket fence, the garden, all the trappings of a Norman Rockwell painting. I can only suppose she saw in me a diamond in the rough and she assumed that after the rough edges were whittled away I would be polished and bright and her dream would come true. Like I say, I don't know, it maybe be something as simple as her falling in love with me.
Well, we got to Las Vegas and we were married under my assumed name, the one I had been using since I'd broken parole. Why did I do that? I can only say that the idea of me going back to prison was first and foremost in my thoughts at that time in my life. I'd done four and a half years and did NOT want anymore of it. Still . . . It was a chickenshit thing to do and it has haunted me all these years, although when I finally got around to telling Nanette, she really didn't seem too upset. Then again, maybe she was so stunned she was unable to bring herself to anger. I'm trying to remember, I cannot think of one time Nanette got angry enough with me to raise her voice. I had what I had probably always yearned for. A wife as opposite my mother as was possible. She loved me . . . I loved her . . . What could go wrong?
Plenty . . . Every bit of it my fault . . .
My Novels:
Write To Murder . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/956621
Margaret and David: A Love Story . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1072842
My Mother's Revenge . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1132742
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