Saturday, October 20, 2007

Back On Track

I guess the graphic link is out of order again. Oh well, such small bad news does not dampen my spirit, because Chapter 9 in the can. You just don't know how good that feels to post. Because of being sick so long I have found out that it is too easy to blame that on my non-productive days. The truth is, however, that I am continually fighting each chapter, paragraph and sentence. I can't seem to let go. I know that I will eventually. I'll have to. It may be on the rewrite, but I have to let go.

Chapter 9 was about the little town I grew up in and the growing paranoia I developed as I began to hear whispers around town about my heritage. I already had known since a little boy that something wasn't right with who I called mother and daddy. But as I grew older I began to pick up things from other people and it really did send me into a tailspin. I never let on to my parents that I knew something was wrong, because I didn't know how to. My first venture into that area when I was about six-years-old was met with mother-inspired violence, so I kept things to myself. But I took on a roughhouse persona even at ten or eleven years of age, never mind what I would be when I hit my teens.

I know that I keep beating the dead horse, but this is absolutely the hardest writing I have ever attempted. I am only in my young years, and if it is this tough now, what the hell is it going to be like when things really begin to start jumping? I have a feeling that it may be easier. These so-called "young" years I have alluded to are really the seeds of my rebellion and learning how to be an out-and-out bastard. There is no doubt about it, your formative years ride with you wherever in life you go. If those years have been unjust or just plain bad, some people have the strength and courage to rise above them. Some, like myself, tend to feed off it and use it as an escape clause for the things he has done that he knows is not right. There comes a time when your past needs to be just that . . . Your past. For some of us it is harder to do than with others . . . I suppose Misdemeanors & Felonies, although it is written for my children, may very well be a severing of my past . . .

Looking for Chapter 10 tomorrow!


Write To Murder . . .

Margaret and David: A Love Story . . .

My Mother's Revenge . . .

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