Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Rough Three Days . . .

Everybody in this house has been sick with something not very nice. Actually there are only two people who love in this house, so I guess you couldn't call it an epidemic . . . Uh, oh and there is The Nipperdawg who, for the most part, considers himself human also.

That being the case, I haven't had much luck with Chapter 8 . . . I even missed my daily entry here. But just didn't have the wherewithal to get anything put down on the chapter or here. Today is much the same, especially for my wife, Dottie, but I am maintaining I suppose. Still feel rough, but able to deal with it.

Well, this is short and not so sweet . . . Still feel the effects of the crud or whatever I have . . . I have determined on thing today, however . . . Time is not predictable, so with that in mind I will begin Misdemeanors & Felonies in earnest tomorrow . . .


Write To Murder . . .

Margaret and David: A Love Story . . .

My Mother's Revenge . . .

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