Chapter 13 was all about the arrival of Joe Steve to the Bolton family. Steve, like me, was not born from my mother, rather he was adopted sort of clandestinely from persons unknown. Again, much like me. That my father had no earthly idea he was going to have another mouth to feed was about par for the course. Mother never was one to consider other peoples feelings when there was something she wanted. It was a case of full steam ahead in Steve's case. I can only assume because I have never been told, but I imagine my Aunt Dick (yeah, it's Dick), who lived in Shreveport, Louisiana heard about some young girl in trouble and was looking for a way out of it and she called mother. Anyway, Steve arrived in 1955 I think. I was sixteen-year-old. It took me a few days to absorb the fact that I had a little brother, let me tell you. And although after I finished high school and left Taylor I came back and lived there many times, so I got to know him and love him. He did me also, in fact there was a time he probably idolized me, but of course the years found a way to tarnish that somewhat. He probably finally realized that Buddy (his name for me) wasn't as fantastic a guy as he thought I was.
Another good day for writing. Yes, it is coming easier, this makes three days consecutively that I was able to sit down and DO IT without much of a problem. I'm beginning to believe that I had so much trouble with all the early chapters because those younger days are more blurred to me than other, later days. Also, the last three chapters, at least the last two, were about things very important to me. The discovery of rock and roll, via Elvis and today's one about bringing little Steve home. Both those situations meant a lot to me, so therefore I was able to recreate how I felt and what happened with a little more clarity than some of the others. Misdemeanors & Felonies: A Memoir as as I hoped, is becoming easier to write. Still, I'm not getting cocky, the tough chapters are yet to be written.
As in all of your writing, I can feel the emotions, old and new, surfacing and the struggle and strain it places upon you. I find this very interesting because we have much in common. My oldest daughter and youngest son are 14 years apart and I realize what a handful it can be. I have said it before, but will continue to say it, you have a clear, genuine, from the heart style.....
You can believe that the emotions of the past are kicking down the door of my id . . . What is scary as hell is the fact that the really . . . "good" stuff, for want of a better word, is yet to come . . . It may very well bring blood . . . Thank you for your words of support . . .
I was born down south of that imaginary line. I loved it. I hated it. I left it. I returned. I love it again. I'm not as old as I hope to get, but still, I am far from being young. The clock is ticking, the wallpaper is drying,(metaphor for Jerry, eh? Y'all knew that though, didn't you? My brain cells are crumbling and I reckon it is now or never. Wasn't that a song back in the dark ages? Now or Never?
Chapter 13
"Joe Steve Bolton Arrives"
As in all of your writing, I can feel the emotions, old and new, surfacing and the struggle and strain it places upon you. I find this very interesting because we have much in common. My oldest daughter and youngest son are 14 years apart and I realize what a handful it can be. I have said it before, but will continue to say it, you have a clear, genuine, from the heart style.....
Be safe always,
You can believe that the emotions of the past are kicking down the door of my id . . . What is scary as hell is the fact that the really . . . "good" stuff, for want of a better word, is yet to come . . . It may very well bring blood . . . Thank you for your words of support . . .
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