This chapter is one which begins to come to terms with what is going on in my head as I look forward to checking out of Taylor, Arkansas and taking on the world. In Chapter 14 I am in the eleventh grade and a lot is happening. I have finally learned how to "get around" mother and actually get out there and have some damn fun in life. Oh, she still rules the roost, but her bite isn't quite as vicious as it used to be. Either than or by this time I am becoming immune to it, and have also learned to bite back. She still has a lot of stamina left for lording it over her subjects, there is this brand new child to see after as only Orean Bolton can. Ssshhhhh . . . There will be two more in the next few years. She reminds me now as I look back on it, like some of the movie stars who go around the country and "adopt" babies of all nationalities. She told me once that she would love to have a little black baby. I wondered then why and I wonder why now, because she, as were most people back then, and I include myself, was a racist. Nigger was a word not to be ashamed of in those days, it was what it was. I notice none of her babies turned out to be black, however, and I know her, if she had really wanted a black baby she would have had one.
I know what I expected Misdemeanors & Felonies: A Memoir to be when it is finished, but I wonder if that will, indeed, be what it will turn out to be. When Patricia sent me that email August 15 and asked me if I knew a woman by the name of Nanette Bolton, maiden name Schiavo my world nearly collapsed around me. With my heart beating crazily I managed to look at the email harder and saw the name Patricia Jurek and then I knew it was my sweet little Patricia asking that question. There are few who can relate to how I felt when I realized who it was. After answering a few more question to her satisfaction, we communicated for a few days. The only question she has ever asked me, and I know she must have many more, was did I ever try to find her. Yes, I did. Was trolling the Internet within the last couple of months before she got in touch with me. Anyway, in about a month of communicating with her the book reared it head at me and I knew what I must do. Write what happened to her father which could make him such a full-fledged bastard. She deserved knowing a few things. So I have set out to do that, but what will the book be when I am finished? Will it satisfy her hunger to comprehend? Probably not. then again, maybe. I just don't know. I can only write it the way it happened. I promised myself I would not make myself out to be anything other than what I am.
Tomorrow . . . Chapter 15 . . .
Write To Murder . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/956621
Margaret and David: A Love Story . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1072842
My Mother's Revenge . . . http://www.lulu.com/content/1132742
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