Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Stepping Into The Void

An update about Canterbury Apartments "Monkey Cats." After the mother climbed this huge oak tree to deliver her kittens she stayed around enough that she thought they were ready for the world and she came down, expecting them to follow her. they did not. she pestered them for a while and then just disappeared. Now the apartment complex has monkey cats to deal with. and we did. Everyone fed them. They stayed in the tree, refusing to come down. Until yesterday, the grey one came out of the tree and was soon ran over by a vehicle. Her back legs were crushed, but she wasn't dead. The managers had no option except call the Animal Control people. They came and took the hurt kitten, and I'm sure will destroy it. But the woman with Animal Control saw the yellow Tom and wanted to know could she have it. So one of the kittens is gone, but the other one, I'm sure have a nice home. Could have been worse.

Back to Misdemeanors & Felonies: A Memoir. The marriage has completely dissolved, with Marionette leaving one night when I didn't come home, instead I went to the dog races across the Mississippi River in West Memphis, Arkansas. Can't blame her, I guess. Home life for both of us had been miserable almost from the saying of the marriage vows. We had no idea what was in store for us and didn't want to learn, it seems. We'd rather blame the other person for the problems, when in fact, it was pure and simple two spoiled kids who had no clue.

I hung around Memphis, staying drunk for about a week I guess before I broke down and called Taylor, Arkansas for them to come and get me. That hurt. By the time I got back to Taylor I was a changed person. I was developing a lot of hate and animosity in my heart for . . . The world! I was looking to do something, and I have to say that I did that something. Something which would rule my life for the next six years. This step I took was taken without understand what the repercussions would be. I would soon find out, but I went into the penalty phase of my ways with a chip on my shoulders, which, although I got kicked down to the bare earth from time to time, I kept that chip. It was the only thing I had to hold onto.

Things are about to become more interesting for one Jerry Pat Bolton in the coming chapters . . .

My Novels:

Write To Murder . . .

Margaret and David: A Love Story . . .

My Mother's Revenge . . .

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