Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Joan of Arc of My Soul #2

My meeting Dottie came at a particularly bad time in my troubled life. I was down worse than I had ever been. The failure of my marriage to Nanette really bothered me to the point that I was a walking, talking, mental wreck. I shoved all that in the back of my mind and just basically got down on myself to the point that I did not care about much of anything. I got a job offshore because of the money, but it, nor the money made me happy. My life had come to a standstill. It was meaning less and less to me. What had happened to me, or rather what I had done to myself and to others in the last dozen years of my miserable life was constantly on my mind and it was killing me, to the point that I seriously thought of ending my life.

I know the title Joan of Arc of My Soul might seem a little much to some, but Dorothy Jean Bridges, who I met when I was really down, fulfilled that image in the years to come. Dottie was there for me at the right time. Likewise I was there for her at the right time. We were destined, if there is such a thing, for each other. To say that our love and relationship was smooth and orderly would be insulting, for if the reader has been reading this blog for any length of time they know I was anything but orderly. Still, we merged into one another easily, both taking a chance on the other because life as we knew it was lacking. It was lacking and when we merged into our love what was missing slipped into place without so much as a whimper. It would need some fine-tuning, but it was in place and purring.

Although I was making pretty good money offshore and Dottie was working, we both wanted to leave New Orleans, I seemed to have instilled the wanderlust in her early on. Since she had never been out west we decided on Phoenix as our destination and just left. We did make a quick stop at Taylor (yes, I keep going back, do I not?) before cheeglin' on down the road. Mother was classic mother, but basically the couple of days we spent there were pleasant enough. Then we were gone.

Phoenix tomorrow . . .

My Novels:

Write To Murder . . .

Margaret and David: A Love Story . . .

My Mother's Revenge . . .

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