Friday, October 5, 2007


That graphic on the left just about sums up what has been happening for the last three days . . . Not much. Don't exactly know why, but Misdemeanors & Felonies has taken a backseat to . . . Oh, let us say . . . life. Or rather the subtleties of life. Plus, it seems I am trying very hard to make the writing of Misdemeanors & Felonies difficult and it really shouldn't be.

At least not the first draft.

The first writing of anything should be more or less a blueprint of what will eventually, if the author can pull it off, a polished and well-written book. Well, I'm not exactly going for the "polished" part of that equation, but I do want it to be written well. Still, I know not to be too concerned with how well I am writing something in the first attempt, I should only be worried about the content! I know this, but I find myself fighting my literary demons, never mind my own, tangible demons, as I go about trying to get this book under way.

Is it because it is different than anything I have ever written? Yes.

It is because it to so very, very personal? Yes. I am finding it tough to go back and get into my life. Hell, I'm only as far as starting school and it seems almost impossible to take it on. But I kinda knew this going in, didn't I?

Enough malingering . . . It is time to put up or get the hell outta town . . .


Write To Murder . . .

Margaret and David: A Love Story . . .

My Mother's Revenge . . .

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